The connection between hotelfloors, is only equipped with the onlystaircase( certainunknowndensesay/wayare an exception)The young lady and dogdognaturallyhave no free timeto search for the densesay/way, goes toonealong the mansioncenteronlystaircase, the preparationand【Chef】 One side sees.In two peoplearrive at the stairway.In the oppositejet blackchannel, crawlsslowlytogether the tall and slendershadow.Is a figureis unexpectedly emaciated, hairbadlyrandomlyalmost the youth who the faceblocks, when stops will also lolllicksto lickownback of the hand.【SlyMr.Wass( cat)】Actor.When the young ladysquattinglower part of the body that Fermatacts, attemptletsoppositecomes, after catcatquick observationtwo people, turns aroundthento vanishin the jet blackchannelsfast.Thisis the actor of Mr.Wass, never expected thatcamouflagesunexpectedlycanbe an excellent likeness, moreovercan the rapid traverse of freedomon the wall.What a pity, hedoes not seem to be willingwithusto contact.Walks, did not waste the time.
Fermatnods, saysherto the impression of thisperson: Un...... the body weight of thispersonisamongparticipating performanceis lightest, looksbelongsrelativelyeccentrically, beforewas fashionableinstagevolume one, heis deliberately maintaining the distancewitheveryone.Treads the staircasewhentwo people, goes to a buildinghall.BecauseHan Dongis imitating the dogclass, the four limbspastemomentarilyin the ground,Feels the continualtremors that a groundtransmitsindistinctly, is likehas anyone to fight...... as a result of the shielding property of mansiontosound, the touchismore superiorsensationway.Woof woof!Han Dongwas barking wildlytwoto the sidechannel, immediatelyrushesgoes.Fermatalsopulls out the daggerhastily, full speedfollows.Whentwo peoplerush, among the fight happening inchannelshad finished,...... simultaneously, hasinHan Dong【Freemap】In the middle, demonstrates the sideroomnamedVIP suite.Mr.Han, hereis【BaronHawley】Region that is.According to the plotdescribed, the Baronwasmyfiance, tonightbraves the heavy snowto catch upisbecausedetected the dangerahead of time, wantedto leadmeto leave.It seems like that hehad been seizedby the actor.Fermat'sexpressionbecomessomewhatugly, actuallyshealsowantsto convergewith the Baron, thishas‚warrant’to flee fromhere.Un...... thisfellowa littleskill, in the situation in encountering the actorattacking, gives the counter-attack of suitablepowerful, evengaveto destroy the head of actor.What a pityfinallyby‚line’controlling.
Insituation that the actorsare first intendingto hit, unexpectedly can also givethis degree ofcounter-attack.The actor of thisBaronin**onhas very specialplace. Pitifullythisparticularity, will only shiftto the actoronimmediately, both of uscope more strenuous.Walks, hurriesto meetwith the chef.Han Dongdraws the conclusionafter the fightingtrace of scene, againhas not continuedto stop over, immediatelylaunches the explorationto a building.Because the housescaleis enormous, in additionto the shielding property of sound, wantedto find others unable to exploreslowly......, butneeds the fastsprintin the construction.The mapexplorationvaluealsodraws close to 50slowly, ** the demonstrationfunctionwas activated.Alsoshortly.Broke throughcorridorHan Dongas ifto smellmeattaste in airsomewhere, perhapsextremelyentered the play, causing the sense of smellabilityto strengthen.Searches forthrough the flavor【Chef】 The itself/Benis the bestmethod.Under the leadership of Han Dong, whattwo peoplesoonthenfound the fishy smellextremelyheavykitchenarea...... to be very strange, under the crack in a doorpassesunexpectedlyis dispersing the strangescarletgloss.Coordinatessuperiormeatfishy smells, is more like a slaughter house.
Fermatalso felt not quite right, is a little strange, did wecome‚examination’as scheduledthisperson?Un, starts.......„Help! Help!”Is approximateintearing the call for help of throattransmits.Panic【Eldest daughter】Go crazyhits the kitchenfront door, imitates, ifhaswhatterrifyinglifeformto pursueher...... whenshewantsto run into the interior, the presentscenemadeherstare.Firststeps on, inthickmoistenson the blood that sticksthickly, when lifts the foot, the bloodcompletewiredrawing of soleboard.The entirekitchencovered entirely the bloodnot saying thatThe floor and cleaning vegetablesbasinorlink up, allbywhitepigcorpse of opening up the stomach...... majorityfresh, the bloodflows out from within the bodyunceasingly, the bonewas rejectedcompletely.Also has a major feature, thesewhitepig【Head】Allwas reduced.This is also the primary cause of meatfishy smelloverflow.Oneheightapproximatelytwometers, put on the chef of blackleatherapronto standin the kitchendeep place, the butcher knife in handwieldunceasinglyare cutting,
Everywieldsto spread the frigidpigcryonetime, eldest daughter'scall for helpcompletelycoverpassed/lived.The chefonlyknows that somepeoplerush.Althoughlooks at the eyeto the entrance, in the handslaughters the movementactuallynot to stop.Thishas a scareFermat, if not knowbeforehand【Actor】Is derivingin the basement【Baron】 The characteristics, shewill definitely regard asmost dangerousexistence the chef.„Chef! The fearfulterrifyingmonstersare chasingme...... the stewardalsoto haveBaronHawleyto be killedbyit.”Saying, Fermathas run up to the side of chef, the entire journeyperforming skillonline.However, Fermatorinstinctis guarding against the chef, for fear that the opposite partycomeson a bladetooneselfsuddenly...... simultaneously, when shearrives at the slaughteringregion that the chefis, but alsosneaks a peek atmore fearfulone.The pighead that thesewere butchered, was piled upin the followingfoodwarehousecompletely,WhenFermatlooked atpast tense, evenfelt that eachpigis staring ather, bodycannot help buttrembled.At this moment.
Han Dong the persondogpursues, the mouthreveals the white cloudsunceasingly, the spinetailis draggingcrazily.In the extremelyquickmovement, the continualtreadtreadsinDimian, floor and spandrel wall, presses up to the chefto go......Cheffacingthisgrade of terrifyinglifeform, not onlydoes not have the expression, insteadstandingbody.Has not wielded the butcher knife in hand, butchanges tostretches outanotherroughandgiantpalm.At this momentHan Dongforeseesquitefearfulfuturescene.If before oneselfcontinueto jumpto/clashes, will be seized the nape of the neckby the chef, takes advantage of opportunityto press the cutting board.! The entiredog headwill be chopped, the entireprocessis not loathsome.Realized that thisHan Dong, fluttersone sidehard objectby the tailimmediately, beforestopsforcefullymovement that to/clashes.When a bloodyfierce battlewill soon break outin the kitchenregionshortly,The chefas ifdetectsanything, the earnestlookchanges the ordinarycondition.A heavy/thickcalmsoundspreadsby the chefmouthin: „Are youmakinglike thisfun? Saidis examiningmyanythingintentionally.”„Chef, how do yousee?”Young ladysurprisedis saying.„ Myterrifying degreeshouldnot be low, youactuallydid not consider that completely the dangerescapes......, althoughsupposesas well asyouencounters the chase the situation, can convincereluctantly.Then, the attack of thispersondog is also very direct-viewing.Itcanattackobviouslyfrom a more cunningangle, the choiceis most inappropriate【Frontage】. ”Saying, himis startingto slaughterwhitepig.Evenkitchen knifecompletebending, as beforepigchopping, after throwing into, warehouse.The young ladyis explaining:
The connection between hotelfloors, is only equipped with the onlystaircase( certainunknowndensesay/wayare an exception)The young lady and dogdognaturallyhave no free timeto search for the densesay/way, goes toonealong the mansioncenteronlystaircase, the preparationand【Chef】 One side sees.In two peoplearrive at the stairway.In the oppositejet blackchannel, crawlsslowlytogether the tall and slendershadow.Is a figureis unexpectedly emaciated, hairbadlyrandomlyalmost the youth who the faceblocks, when stops will also lolllicksto lickownback of the hand.【SlyMr.Wass( cat)】Actor.When the young ladysquattinglower part of the body that Fermatacts, attemptletsoppositecomes, after catcatquick observationtwo people, turns aroundthento vanishin the jet blackchannelsfast.Thisis the actor of Mr.Wass, never expected thatcamouflagesunexpectedlycanbe an excellent likeness, moreovercan the rapid traverse of freedomon the wall.What a pity, hedoes not seem to be willingwithusto contact.Walks, did not waste the time.Fermatnods, saysherto the impression of thisperson: Un...... the body weight of thispersonisamongparticipating performanceis lightest, looksbelongsrelativelyeccentrically, beforewas fashionableinstagevolume one, heis deliberately maintaining the distancewitheveryone.Treads the staircasewhentwo people, goes to a buildinghall.BecauseHan Dongis imitating the dogclass, the four limbspastemomentarilyin the ground,Feels the continualtremors that a groundtransmitsindistinctly, is likehas anyone to fight...... as a result of the shielding property of mansiontosound, the touchismore superiorsensationway.Woof woof!Han Dongwas barking wildlytwoto the sidechannel, immediatelyrushesgoes.Fermatalsopulls out the daggerhastily, full speedfollows.Whentwo peoplerush, among the fight happening inchannelshad finished,...... simultaneously, hasinHan Dong【Freemap】In the middle, demonstrates the sideroomnamedVIP suite.Mr.Han, hereis【BaronHawley】Region that is.According to the plotdescribed, the Baronwasmyfiance, tonightbraves the heavy snowto catch upisbecausedetected the dangerahead of time, wantedto leadmeto leave.It seems like that hehad been seizedby the actor.Fermat'sexpressionbecomessomewhatugly, actuallyshealsowantsto convergewith the Baron, thishas‚warrant’to flee fromhere.Un...... thisfellowa littleskill, in the situation in encountering the actorattacking, gives the counter-attack of suitablepowerful, evengaveto destroy the head of actor.What a pityfinallyby‚line’controlling.Insituation that the actorsare first intendingto hit, unexpectedly can also givethis degree ofcounter-attack.The actor of thisBaronin**onhas very specialplace. Pitifullythisparticularity, will only shiftto the actoronimmediately, both of uscope more strenuous.Walks, hurriesto meetwith the chef.Han Dongdraws the conclusionafter the fightingtrace of scene, againhas not continuedto stop over, immediatelylaunches the explorationto a building.Because the housescaleis enormous, in additionto the shielding property of sound, wantedto find others unable to exploreslowly......, butneeds the fastsprintin the construction.The mapexplorationvaluealsodraws close to 50slowly, ** the demonstrationfunctionwas activated.Alsoshortly.Broke throughcorridorHan Dongas ifto smellmeattaste in airsomewhere, perhapsextremelyentered the play, causing the sense of smellabilityto strengthen.Searches forthrough the flavor【Chef】 The itself/Benis the bestmethod.Under the leadership of Han Dong, whattwo peoplesoonthenfound the fishy smellextremelyheavykitchenarea...... to be very strange, under the crack in a doorpassesunexpectedlyis dispersing the strangescarletgloss.Coordinatessuperiormeatfishy smells, is more like a slaughter house.Fermatalso felt not quite right, is a little strange, did wecome‚examination’as scheduledthisperson?Un, starts.......„Help! Help!”Is approximateintearing the call for help of throattransmits.Panic【Eldest daughter】Go crazyhits the kitchenfront door, imitates, ifhaswhatterrifyinglifeformto pursueher...... whenshewantsto run into the interior, the presentscenemadeherstare.Firststeps on, inthickmoistenson the blood that sticksthickly, when lifts the foot, the bloodcompletewiredrawing of soleboard.The entirekitchencovered entirely the bloodnot saying thatThe floor and cleaning vegetablesbasinorlink up, allbywhitepigcorpse of opening up the stomach...... majorityfresh, the bloodflows out from within the bodyunceasingly, the bonewas rejectedcompletely.Also has a major feature, thesewhitepig【Head】Allwas reduced.This is also the primary cause of meatfishy smelloverflow.Oneheightapproximatelytwometers, put on the chef of blackleatherapronto standin the kitchendeep place, the butcher knife in handwieldunceasinglyare cutting,Everywieldsto spread the frigidpigcryonetime, eldest daughter'scall for helpcompletelycoverpassed/lived.The chefonlyknows that somepeoplerush.Althoughlooks at the eyeto the entrance, in the handslaughters the movementactuallynot to stop.Thishas a scareFermat, if not knowbeforehand【Actor】Is derivingin the basement【Baron】 The characteristics, shewill definitely regard asmost dangerousexistence the chef.„Chef! The fearfulterrifyingmonstersare chasingme...... the stewardalsoto haveBaronHawleyto be killedbyit.”Saying, Fermathas run up to the side of chef, the entire journeyperforming skillonline.However, Fermatorinstinctis guarding against the chef, for fear that the opposite partycomeson a bladetooneselfsuddenly...... simultaneously, when shearrives at the slaughteringregion that the chefis, but alsosneaks a peek atmore fearfulone.The pighead that thesewere butchered, was piled upin the followingfoodwarehousecompletely,WhenFermatlooked atpast tense, evenfelt that eachpigis staring ather, bodycannot help buttrembled.At this moment.Han Dong the persondogpursues, the mouthreveals the white cloudsunceasingly, the spinetailis draggingcrazily.In the extremelyquickmovement, the continualtreadtreadsinDimian, floor and spandrel wall, presses up to the chefto go......Cheffacingthisgrade of terrifyinglifeform, not onlydoes not have the expression, insteadstandingbody.Has not wielded the butcher knife in hand, butchanges tostretches outanotherroughandgiantpalm.At this momentHan Dongforeseesquitefearfulfuturescene.If before oneselfcontinueto jumpto/clashes, will be seized the nape of the neckby the chef, takes advantage of opportunityto press the cutting board.! The entiredog headwill be chopped, the entireprocessis not loathsome.Realized that thisHan Dong, fluttersone sidehard objectby the tailimmediately, beforestopsforcefullymovement that to/clashes.When a bloodyfierce battlewill soon break outin the kitchenregionshortly,The chefas ifdetectsanything, the earnestlookchanges the ordinarycondition.A heavy/thickcalmsoundspreadsby the chefmouthin: „Are youmakinglike thisfun? Saidis examiningmyanythingintentionally.”„Chef, how do yousee?”Young ladysurprisedis saying.„ Myterrifying degreeshouldnot be low, youactuallydid not consider that completely the dangerescapes......, althoughsupposesas well asyouencounters the chase the situation, can convincereluctantly.Then, the attack of thispersondog is also very direct-viewing.Itcanattackobviouslyfrom a more cunningangle, the choiceis most inappropriate【Frontage】. ”Saying, himis startingto slaughterwhitepig.Evenkitchen knifecompletebending, as beforepigchopping, after throwing into, warehouse.The young ladyis explaining:„ Right.The realdangermixes the disguiserinourhotel, hejustcamouflaged the stewardto acttome, has the dogdogto helpmebe ableluckilyto escape.Weare seeking to be trustworthy, has the partner of resolution, resists the disguisertogether. ”The young ladyis explainingin the way of acting in a play.ButHan Donghas startedto exchange...... the admissionability of opposite partywith the chefthrough the visionto be extremely highsynchronously , indicating that cancooperatewithtwo people.Han Dong is also delighted, hehas not thought, the audiencequality of thisperformance is so unexpectedly high.„Itidied upto act.”Sees only the cheftowardpiling up the foodlatterwarehousegoes out, as ifmustdeal with pig, but alsowarehousegateclosing.Thischefis indeed good, MissFermatyoureyesightis good.Haha, not!By the Han Dongrequest‚personnelexamine’isverynecessary, is not the personcandraw the cooperation.If unable to achieve‚distinguishing true and false’ability, oncelaterwere confusedby the actor, the squadwill disintegratefrom the interiordirectly.Before long.The waistis hanging a chef who sutures the pigheadwalked.„Walked, killedthatfellow.”